Renee G Brown

Renee G Brown

Addiction and Mental Health Care Centre, Next Level Recovery,USA


Renee G Brown has a background of looking at
cutting edge technology, optimizing systems, and
benchmarking results. In her early employment
she taught emerging technology internationally for
Hewlett Packard and fastidiously focused on the
concept of Total Cost of Ownership; meaning “what
does a widget really costs when you consider break/
fixes over 3 or 5 years?”. Her life and interests took
a twist as a close family member of hers suffered
from an opiate addiction. With a passion, she wanted
to make a difference for others and their families
to have more recovery options available. She and
her husband/business partner (Michael Brown),
felt that recovery housing was underutilized and
could be instrumental in assisting others in recovery
and relapse prevention. Together they decided to
open the first Recovery House, in the state of Utah.
They now own the largest independent recovery
housing in their state. She relishes leveraging new
evidence-based discoveries to improve the results
and relapse prevention. She is always interested in
looking at the big picture of treatment, to improve on
lasting outcomes, as well as the total cost of ownership
to governments and consumers.
